Saturday, August 25, 2007

Oxbow Park

I got up early today to go to the YMCA, played racquetball, and biked back home in time to make the smells of breakfast to stir Sam from her pregnant slumber. After breakfast, we went down to the Farmer's Market to get some food for meal recipes planned for the upcoming week.

Adam R. stopped by to drop off his truck so I start digging the hole for the egress window in the basement. Because it was a very nice afternoon, Sam and I hiked some trails at Oxbow Park near Byron. For supper, I grilled potatoes and vegetables for sandwiches. Looking at the meal, we realized that all of the food had come from our garden, her grandma's garden, or from Rochester (Great Harvest Bread). This must be our first 100% local meal (unless you deduct points for it being done unconsciously).

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