Wednesday, July 22, 2009

MN Zoo visit

For fun, compare Elizabeth to last June's visit...

Despite being under a year, last summer we took Elizabeth to the MN Zoo. This past Saturday, we returned to see the African animals exhibit. Obviously, Elizabeth was far more engaged this year. In short, she was pumped to see so many animals from the books she's read!

Interestingly enough, some of her favorite animals were the farm animals. Plus we found out that she is actually afraid of something...cows! Elizabeth was not going with me to touch the cows for some reason, and shuddered each time I tried to coax her into rubbing the back of one. Granted, all of the other zoo animals were off-limits to touching.

Below are pictures of a nice pictorial of "Elizabeth's Adventures in Chicken Chasing, Part I"

Chickens spotted, Elizabeth is allowed to chase in hot pursuit

You can't hide from me!


As I beamed with pride, I smiled at Samantha who waggled her finger at the sign on the barn door "Please don't chase the chickens - MN Zoo." Minutes after I had given Elizabeth the green light, I was forced to (hypocritically) counsel my daughter on how we shouldn't chase chickens.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

20 Months

Elizabeth is now 20 months old. Ever the curious child, she continues to explore all things new and old. While playing with her babies and Elmo carry on as classics in her life, she is also enjoying her pool outside, learning and singing new songs and nursery rhymes, and challenging herself on the area playgrounds. For now, swings are kings over slides and other equipment.

Also new is a bit of an initial shyness when around family and friends she knows, but interestingly has no reserve toward strangers. For example, we went to visit Grandma Judi at the Mayo Clinic to wish her a Happy 50th Birthday. As we walked along the busy downtown sidewalks, she sang "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Grandmaaaaa Juuudiiii." She continued to randomly sing and intermittently say "Hello" and "Bye" to the stranger who made eye contact or came within 10 ft. This continued throughout the elevator ride and the lobby, throwing in a "Be quiet Elmo!" whenever she shook her talking doll. Then, when it counted, she barely mustered a "hi."

Go figure...

Anyway, here is the best we could catch on video tonight (sorry it was shot sideways too). Happy 50th Judi!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Funny Summer Photos

Life at home with daddy is great!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dual Identities

Recently Elizabeth started to understand that her mom and dad have other names. She is quite entertained by this. Today, I heard her outside following Josh through the yard saying, "Joshua, Joshua, Joshua." It is pretty funny to hear coming out of such a small human being!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July

Is there any better way to celebrate the holiday weekend than with a new pool?

Friday, July 3, 2009

Goodbye Nuk

We finally decided to take the plunge and get rid of Elizabeth's nuk. This was a big decision for mom and dad. After almost a week without it, we would like to testify that all those parenting magazines who say it's easy once you commit are totally crazy.

This transition has definitely been more painful for the two of us because now instead of listening to Elizabeth sucking on her nuk, we have to hear her singing in her bed. Most nights this will proceed for up to an hour. I think we both preferred the quiet nights and quick time to sleep.

We had our ultrasound this week, and baby #2 was trying to suck his/her thumb. Maybe we'll have a much bigger problem next time.

Oh, were you wondering about the playlist from the crib?? Current tracks include "Twinkle, Twinkle," "Mary Had A Little Lamb,"the "Bye bye baby, mama is a lady..." song and Queen's "Bicycle."