Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Last Vacation B.B. (Before Baby)

Last Wednesday (10/17), Sam picked me up from work at the high school and we drove to Red Wing for our third stay at the Round Barn Bed and Breakfast. After checking in, we had a nice meal at Oar D'Oeuvre--a fairly new, nautical themed (get it?) eatery. After a relaxing night of reading and a soak in the jacuzzi, we enjoyed an excellent breakfast by the owners, Robin & Elena.

To burn off our 3 course breakfast, Sam and I checked out and headed to nearby Frontenac State Park. Even at 8+ months pregnant, my wife is a real trooper. We hiked down some uneven, wet trails along bluffs to the Mississippi river before our return ascent.

What a great vacation to have B.B. For our next one, I'm guessing we'll have to hire a babysitter.

Any takers?

Sunday, October 14, 2007

My friends and their babies!

Saturday morning, my friend Elizabeth gave birth to her third child Kara Sophia Barrett. Sam and I visited them at Olmsted hospital that evening. She's a beautiful little girl with chubby cheeks!

Two weeks ago, my friend Brad had a son, Gavin Michael Haugen.

And 3 weeks ago, my friend Jason and his wife Jenny gave birth to their first child, Logan Michael Danielson.

I guess that means we're next!