Sunday, October 23, 2011

Apple Orchard

We had a trip to the orchard to pick apples a couple of weeks ago. The kids love going with their cousins Kylie and Cael. Our favorite orchard was closed that day, so this Friday we took a trip. Feeding the goats was a major highlight. Adam kept saying, "Hi goats, hi goats." We also ran around the pumpkins, got our annual picture by the apple growth chart, and ate doughnuts. The best is always picking out mini pumpkins. All weekend they "decorated" the house with their 5 pumpkins and also the squash that we bought. They lined my headboard with them, so each night I had to take them off to avoid being knocked out by an acorn squash.

This trip is our big indicator of fall. Happy fall!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Apple Orchard trip number 2 or 3 for you this fall? Did you "steal" apples this time too? Erin was so funny about you eating the apples. Adam and Elizabeth are adorable. You're very lucky to have such great kids!