Monday, June 28, 2010

7 Months Old!

Adam is 7 months old today! As you can tell from the picture, he's a happy little guy and cute as a bug! At 7 months, here's what he's up to:
- Rolling where he needs to go
- Loves to sit and play with toys- anything he can put in his mouth
- Loves his mom best and then his sister and dad
- Thinks feeding himself is the best
- Hates being dressed or putting his bib on
- Screams at loud noises like the vacuum, blow dryer, and blender
- Laughs at the funny things his sister says
- Waves

Happy 7 months old little guy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for you to come up so I can hug him! He is so cute. Enjoy month 7- he's adorable and you can still keep up with him, once he's walking all bets are off ;)
