Friday, July 3, 2009

Goodbye Nuk

We finally decided to take the plunge and get rid of Elizabeth's nuk. This was a big decision for mom and dad. After almost a week without it, we would like to testify that all those parenting magazines who say it's easy once you commit are totally crazy.

This transition has definitely been more painful for the two of us because now instead of listening to Elizabeth sucking on her nuk, we have to hear her singing in her bed. Most nights this will proceed for up to an hour. I think we both preferred the quiet nights and quick time to sleep.

We had our ultrasound this week, and baby #2 was trying to suck his/her thumb. Maybe we'll have a much bigger problem next time.

Oh, were you wondering about the playlist from the crib?? Current tracks include "Twinkle, Twinkle," "Mary Had A Little Lamb,"the "Bye bye baby, mama is a lady..." song and Queen's "Bicycle."


B-O-B said...

If I was around I would teach her some new songs for her playlist, and then you parents would really have something to complain about :)

Tara said...

Singing doesn't sound that bad.. I think crying for the nuk would be much worse! Congrats on baby 2!!

Jilly said...

I highy recomment Jewel's new lullaby CD... fantastic!