Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving weekend everyone!

The Grant family spent the holidays at the Underbakke's. There was lots of food and fun- and Elizabeth was able to play with four of her cousins (three of which are girls within one year.) The girls are growing quickly with two walking, one crawling, and one the watchful eye. They were all adorable, and Lena and Elizabeth had matching dresses!

Here are a few things that Elizabeth is thankful for:

1. Her mom and dad (you're forced to put that as we're the authors!)
2. Running- now I can get around the house and get out of diaper changes
3. Books- can't get enough (on a side note, Elizabeth's mom has words for the authors of infant books)
4. All the yummy selection of adult food
5. The fun of animal sounds


Anonymous said...

Too cute!

Anonymous said...

OMG that is the cutest thing!!! Ahhh the gobble gobble part not the screaming (the latter is more like birth control)
