Sunday, September 12, 2010

Four Letter Words

Raising kids is hard work. For you parents who can make it through the day without dropping an f-bomb, I give you kudos. Unfortunately, I am not that good of a mother, so consequently my toddler's extensive vocabulary includes a sampling of four letter words.

Yesterday Elizabeth was breastfeeding Dumbo on my bed. Adam and I came into the room, and she was clearly annoyed. As I put Adam on the bed, she sternly looked at me and said, "For fucking sake, don't put Adam on the bed. I'm feeding Dumbo."

I'm still laughing about it today.


Rebecca Cardwell said...

Oh my gosh Sam! I love it! Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Well Hunter was watching Super Troopers with his dad today and also picked up the F word.. Hopefully he forgets it before morning!!

Jilly said...

undcrying right now. hysterically crying.

I broke a glass once (or something, cant quite bremember) but said... "FUCKKKKKKKER!"
Emma goes to Ayva "did she say fucker or sucker?" (getting a little excited maybe I had a treat stashed)
Ayva... "She said fucker emma, and fucker is a bad word."