Friday, August 13, 2010

Makes Me Laugh

Elizabeth is never short on personality and is always saying funny things. We have to get better at documenting them because in a couple of years she probably won't be talking to us! Here are a couple of recent stories.

A couple of days ago, I had a mommy meltdown and yelled at everyone that was breathing in my house. Josh took the kids in the porch to give me space, but Elizabeth came into the living room, gave me a stern look, and said, "Mommy, that is ridiculous. Ridiculous." Being scolded by a two year old made me burst out laughing- she was so right!

Elizabeth and I were playing outside, I grabbed a flower that was blooming in the yard and asked her to smell it. She took a big sniff and said, "Smells like a piece of heaven." Where does she come up with these lines!

In other news, Adam is a crazy crawler. His new trick is pulling up to standing. Next is walking...

1 comment:

B-O-B said...

Well I think you are amazing, I probably don't say it enough but you are. My fine family friends. You always need moments alone and you are doing an amazing job :)