This past weekend, Elizabeth and I enjoyed what I hope to be the first of many camping trips and other outdoor excursions together.
Friday night we drove the 7 miles to Olmsted County's Chesterwoods Park. She was excited all week, and the buzz didn't stop until 11:00 that night. We got there, unpacked a bit, and had roasted sweet corn courtesy of the Gupta family we were camping with in adjacent sites. You can see Adam enjoyed it as well.
Saturday morning found the group at the lake fishing and stopping at the playground before lunch. After the kids napped, Sam and Adam rejoined us for time at the beach and supper. All the while, Elizabeth had fun playing with Angie and Ash's two kids, Milan and Amani. Sunday morning would ultimately bring Sam the opportunity to save both Amani, who is not quite 2, and Adam from the lake. Amani simply lost his balance on the dock, and Adam flipped his beach toy while attempting to lunge out. While both were in about 2 feet of water, neither were in it more than a second or two. Clearly these back-to-back encounters reinforce the necessity to supervise children around water.
Overall, Elizabeth had a great time with her first camping experience, and is eager to go again. And I can't wait to take her.