Adam is 5 months old! We've seen a lot of changes in this little guy in the past months. Most notably, he is putting on a lot of weight. He's wearing 6-9 month clothes already. He also is becoming a much happier baby and has started to wean down to one dosage of his medicine for reflux. At 5 months Adam is:
- rolling from his tummy to his back- anything to get out of tummy time!
- eating rice cereal once per day.
- waking mommy up once or twice per night (this does not make her happy as it's clear he doesn't need more food!)
- loving his big sister and all the activity at daycare.
- putting himself to sleep at bedtime and nap time.
- playing in the exersaucer.
- still working on teething.
- thinking his mommy is the best person in the world.
Happy 5 months old little guy!