Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Breastfeeding Toddler

Babies spend a lot of time eating, so Elizabeth is stuck entertaining me during nursing sessions. She nurses her babies at the same time. This morning, she told me, "I feed Elmo from my breast." Too funny- she has also tried to feed her brother, but her "special" milk doesn't seem to do the trick!


Anonymous said...

My friend Angela the Le Leche League leader would be so proud!
Talk to you soon,

Katie Dudley said...

Hi Sam, your kiddos are so cute. I'm so glad Angie passed along your blog site. Give me a ring sometime, it would be fun to compare notes since our kids are the same distance apart in age, pretty much. Angie knows my number, but you know where I live. Stay strong through all those tears, the laughter makes it all worthwhile, right?

Take care, Katie

Jilly said...

When Kael was a baby, and I was getting ready to go to dinner... Kael was crying... The sitter warmed a bottle (of breast milk) and Ayva (6 years and going on 16) stated matter of factly... "He only likes the boob."
:) Love kids.
Miss you.
PS. Ash (Tess's 2 y/o) is obsessed with Buzz and Woody. Makes me think of you.