Monday, December 28, 2009

One Month Old

Christmas Eve baptism- with godmother Angie

Adam is one month old today. He has had a busy first month of life. During the month, we had many visitors, a trip to Hibbing for Christmas, and a baptism. Through it all, we have heard Adam's cries! We are hopeful that as we learn more about this little guy that he will have longer spells of happiness...or at least more hours of sleep! He did give us a great Christmas gift by starting to smile. Nothing warms the heart like a baby's first smiles.

Adam, we are looking forward to watching you grow. Happy first month!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had such a great time getting to know Adam while you guys were up in Hibbing. I guess my little Godson just has a lot to say(He's even crying in the baptism pictures of us!) At least Sam figured out that shushing in his ear works- I feel like passing out if I do it too long, good think Sam has great lungs from playing trumpet! You guys are awesome parents and I'm sure Adam will be out of this stage soon and smiling more and more for you!
Miss you,