Sunday, June 14, 2009

19 Months

Elizabeth is 19 months old today...although she acts like she's twenty (years old that is).

Here's what she's up to:

- talking up a storm. Her mom and dad are wondering if she is ever quiet!
- having fun at Jackie's house. Apparently Jackie is more fun than mommy.
- defying every rule or request given
- using the potty occasionally
- moving constantly
- loving books

Elizabeth is also happy to announce that she'll be a big sister in November. Life is full of surprises!


Judi said...

Grandma Judi and Grandpa Dean, along with Uncles Ben and Christian are thrilled about the news. Elizabeth is going to be a great big sister. Congratulations to all of you!

Jilly said...

The Duck Flys at Midnight!

Congrats! How have you been feeling Sam? Gotta love the 1st trimester!

I am smiling inside... kids are great!!!! Send some details my way if you get a chance!


Andrea said...

oh my! congratulations!!

Kim said...

Backwards! (the ducks fly backwards)

Congratulations!! Please please let me know if you're in Hibbing. We should do lunch!

Tara said...

Congrats Sam and Josh!!