Tuesday, January 6, 2009

For my Memory

Elizabeth's vocabulary is booming! At nearly 14 months, she can say 28 words! Here's a list, so Elizabeth can check this out when she's older. (Note: I gave you credit for words that you can produce in context without copying and that most people could figure out what you're saying.)

-Mommy - Minnie -cheese
-Daddy - keys -stinky
-more -Katie -poop
-baby -money -nana (for banana)
-mine -Jackie -nigh, nigh (for night, night)
-ball -tree -bear
-no - puppy -down
-cracker -potty -Jesus
-me -dirty -cookie
-lots and lots of animal sounds

**You would be surprised at how much communication can happen with these few simple words.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I have to say that's damn impressive.