Elizabeth has a new obession...the potty. She says "potty" all the time, loves to sit on the potty, watch anyone on the potty, and put miscellaneous objects in the potty. After attending a potty training class this week, I decided to buy Elizabeth her own potty. (I'm not a big supporter of the baby potty, but unfortunately, we were blessed with a vertically challenged daughter.) Elizabeth was pumped to receive her own potty and spent a good portion of the evening sitting on the potty, putting the baby on the potty, and climbing in the potty. We were happy because finally she seemed to forget about putting baby in the big potty for a swim. (The real reason behind the new potty...)
Before bath time, I let her sit on the potty without her diaper. I looked at Josh as I started to run the bath water and said, "Put her on the potty." He continued to do something else, and she proceed to squat right next to the potty and pee all over the floor! Close, sweetie, but not there yet!
As I was cleaning pee off the bathroom floor (which really did need to be cleaned, so it probably was for the best), I remembered why we're waiting until Josh is home this summer to begin potty training. For now, the diaper will stay on!