Wednesday, October 15, 2008

11 Months Old!

One day late, but Elizabeth was 11 months old yesterday! I can't believe she is one month from her first birthday- it really has gone so fast. At 11 months, Elizabeth is a busy little bee. She loves her new skill of walking and is perfecting the art and trying to move onto running (gotta bend the knees first pumpkin!) She is making lots of sounds, and we think she's starting to put the idea of "da-da" and "ma-ma" together. We can tell her to go get her baby (which is usually next to her all day long) and she can find her, even if baby is in the other room. Tonight, I started to say, "Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?" and she found the book in her stacks of books. So fun! Elizabeth's newest discovery, though, is her tongue! On Monday she realized that she could pull it, so I've included a photo of her grabbing it.

Happy 11 months baby!


Anonymous said...

Elizabeth looks so adorable in her Halloween outfit. She is all Trick this year. Can't wait to see you on Monday Sam.

Anonymous said...

Has it almost been a year already??? Oh me oh my! Where has time gone! Give her a smooch from her cousin, Kylie! We miss you!