Sunday, December 2, 2007

Sam's Birthday!

We celebrated Samantha's 26th birthday today!

My grandparents stopped by to see their great-granddaughter after I shoveled the snow we received on Saturday--Elizabeth's first significant snowfall!

At lunch, we had a meal brought in. Then it was off to the Christmas tree farm in Wanamingo with Ash, Angie, and their 1 year old son Milan to pick out our trees.

This year, we have a nice White Pine. Last year, we had a Douglas Fir. You know how Sam is with her trees - gotta try 'em all...

While the tree melted its ice in the basement, Sam opened her wonderful birthday gifts.

After supper, Elizabeth helped her parents bake cookies and put the tree up! She's getting bigger every day and wants to tell everyone "Happy December!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! Sam! I feel like such a HAM! I forgot your big day! Please just let me say.....hope you had a beautiful day! Love, Abbey (the free-lance and ever belated poet)